Maleficent Idol: Lore

Maleficent Idol: Lore
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The Maleficent Idol

Usually, Araphel’s dealings and worship are done in secret. Her followers move about in the shadows, applying subtle influence and spinning devious webs.


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However, there are places in the Dark Realms and the hidden corners of Crystalia where Araphel is worshiped openly. In these places a Maleficent Idol is erected in Araphel’s honor, carved with her likeness and the chained heart that has come to signify devotion to her.


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The first amongst equals in this cultist enclave is often a Master of Chains. Part prophet, part proselytizer, a Master of Chains offers to deliver riftlings from the oppression of suspicion that the Crystalians have placed upon them. “Do not be bound by your chains, instead master them!” So skilled are these priests, that most Devoted do not realize they are exchanging oppression for subjugation.


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Heartbound is the title given to the first amongst the worshippers. These are the followers of Araphel who have taken their devotion one step further. Through an obscene ritual, the Heartbound have linked their very souls to the Araphel, allowing them to channel her power!


Super Dungeon Maleficent Idol


The Devout of Araphel are the pawns of such congregations. Araphel has gained significant popularity among Crystalia’s riftling population. As the Midnight Queen has risen to power and the shadow of the Dark Consul covers the realms, riftlings are increasingly viewed with suspicion and fear. This has seen them increasingly susceptible to Araphel's whispers, which promise freedom and retribution. Many are so bitter that they allow their priests to mark them with a curse that triggers upon their death, powered by their very souls!


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