Starter Set: Void Cadre, Part 2

Starter Set: Void Cadre, Part 2

2 Player Starter Set - Void Cadre


A powerful general in his own right, Mikhal serves the Void with distinction.


Relic Knights Mikhal


His great armored form held aloft on energy wings, and his blazing sword brings ruin to his adversaries. Mikhal represents a paragon for the other Pinions and Seraphim of the Maleach.


Relic Knights Mikhal


Dark Pinions

None who would battle with the Maleach should think they have the upper hand. The Maleach chooses the place and time they strike with near surgical precision.


Relic Knights Dark Pinions


Their vanguard are usually speedy, held aloft on energy flurries that resemble wings. Taking long leaps across the battlefield and pinning enemies with bursts of energy fire, the Dark Pinions are the very definition of shock troops.


Relic Knights Dark Pinions


Refining the design for these models, we put concentration on a munitions grade version of some of the characters previously shown.


Relic Knights Dark Pinions


Streamlined, elegant, and purpose built, the line of the Dark Pinions armor and weapons will look good in small squadrons or darkening the skies of your enemies. 


Relic Knights Dark Pinions
Relic Knights Dark Pinions


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