Ninja News — Super Dungeon

Candy, Mistress of Darkness & Trick-or-Treat Cola Return!

Candy, Mistress of Darkness & Trick-or-Treat Cola Return!

Candy and Cola have donned their spooky attire, once more!
The Crownless Princess: Gameplay

The Crownless Princess: Gameplay

Beware, beware! The Crownless Princess has been spotted!
The Crownless Princess: Lore

The Crownless Princess: Lore

Once upon a time, a young princess went to the Witch Queen Beatrix...
Potions And Pumpkins!

Potions And Pumpkins!

We are happy to introduce new, scary, offerings to your games of Super Dungeon!
Corrupted Harvest: Gameplay

Corrupted Harvest: Gameplay

The Corrupted Harvest introduces a mildewy and stuffing filled set of baddies.
They're coming...

They're coming...

What can we do to that which won't die?
Corrupted Harvest: Lore

Corrupted Harvest: Lore

Harvest Goons, Harvest Sacks, and Crow Eaters are all coming to "help you".


Super Dungeon Teaser


Spiders are closely tied to the elves of the Nether Rifts.
The Thresher: Gameplay

The Thresher: Gameplay

The Thresher is a mean and massive enemy to run across.
"Oh Honey, You Can Do Better."

"Oh Honey, You Can Do Better."

To the Demon Matchmaker, souls are legitimate tender.
The Thresher: Lore

The Thresher: Lore

Threshers are magically imbued constructs of hay, wood, and a burning desire to reap all living things.